If you want to be a writer, then write!

 "I've written it all down, as a good writer should do." 

I just spent literally all night binge watching a show on Netflix, something I have absolutely no business doing right now since I have a very important trip coming up tomorrow. I'm taking my professional exam in just two days now but I am so stressed about it that I am avoiding the stress by watching Netflix. 

The show was "The Perfect Couple," a murder mystery based on a novel. One of the characters is a writer. Now that I'm writing my memoir more full-time and trying to learn about navigating the world of publishing (or at least starting the process of learning...), I find myself relating to writers more and more in shows and movies. 

That line about writing it all down at the end of the show (said by Nicole Kidman's character) hit me hard. It even made me tear up a bit. 

I've found myself dreaming about other writing other stories--not just mine. Yes, I am a dog trainer. That is a big part of my calling and my profession. I love it and I'm good at it. But I will alwasy be a creative and I will always need and want to write, sing, and dance. I'm going to lean into it.

I have ideas for at least a few novels up my sleeve, and children's books, too. It's fun to think about. I think if I ever get married and have kids (which I hope to do), my writing will always be a fun side project. 

So, I'll keep writing it down--whether it's my life, or stories I create. It's just too much fun!

May you find the things that make your soul come alive and lean into them, too, dear reader.

I'm off to pack head out for my exam--which is in a totally different city! 




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