Where to fit now?

Once again, I find myself here at nearly 1:00am on a night when I really "don't have time" to write. But I make room for writing because I am a writer--and I'm about to make it such a massive part of my life in the next chapter, which is so quickly approaching. I have to build this habit! 

Tonight I am mulling a lot of things over. I am feeling especially existential and sentimental today after my friend who I've known since birth gave birth to her own baby today. I am both overjoyed and a little sad. This bittersweet feeling happens to me more and more often these days. 

It's this feeling of appreciation for the beautiful cyclical nature of life, yet also feeling the days and years slipping away. 

It's the feeling that lately, I am finding the exact life I have always dreamed of--yet I still can't help but compare myself to everyone I know who is already married and having babies and wish that I was in that stage as well. I want to have kids that are the same age as all my friends' kids. That would be fun, right? It would be fun in the same way that graduating college at the same time would have been fun, maybe. 

I have so little control though. I definitely have absolutely no control to change the past! Ha, why do I dwell on that so much? (Hint: I am human.)

I wish it came a bit naturally for me to focus on all the things going well, but sometimes I am so hard on myself that I really have to work on this. I compare myself so harshly to others and I struggle to feel like I fit anywhere. 

I stopped "fitting in" with the college kids years ago, but I also didn't fit in with the young professionals. I've never fit in with couples, because I've always been just me (not that many didn't make me feel welcome). 

It's never exactly been a matter of not feeling welcome in spaces. I just tend to feel a bit behind or a bit different or struggle to believe that I truly belong. I think this is one reason why I am so intent on helping others feel included and loved.

Today, I also feel like I took up a lot of space. Do you understand this phrase the way I am intending it, dear reader? I asked a lot of questions and shared a lot of things in discussions at school today. I don't always do that, and it felt like a bit much. I left school feeling vulnerable. I felt like I needed to apologize multiple times today. That's messed up--I need to explore this. Why do I feel this way? Where is that coming from? Where have I been silenced in the past so that now I feel like I need to apologize for using my voice? I legitimately am drawing a blank. I'm sure I'll pinpoint something and it's going to be some sort of painful memory, yikes! I am nervous, truly. 

My life is changing at an alarming pace right now. I love it and hate it at the same time. It's kind of like riding a roller coaster. Am I getting too old for roller coasters? Honestly, I don't know, I haven't ridden one in a few years. Ha! I used to love them though. This metaphorical life roller coaster at the moment is a bit much and I wish it would slow down. 

Speaking of slowing down, I need to go to sleep. Goodnight, world.




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